
Cost estimation

Fhe following resources support cost estimation:

New in version 4.11.

Request cost estimate

POST /cost/(path)

Requests a cost estimate for performing a specific operation.

The same matrix- and query parameters and request body as used by the target request should be specified in the cost estimate request.

No additional roles or permissions are required to request a cost estimate. If a user has permission to for example transcode an item, then that user may also request a cost estimate for that operation.


Retrieve cost estimate results

GET /cost/estimate/(id)

Retrieves the cost estimate.



Item transcode cost estimation

Requesting a cost estimate for transcoding an item to __mp4 using the Vidinet TRANSCODE resource VX-5:

POST /cost/item/VX-45/transcode?tag=__mp4&resource=VX-5
<CostEstimateDocument xmlns="">

Retrieving the cost estimate status and amount.

GET /cost/estimate/dGVzdA==
<CostEstimateDocument xmlns="">