
Upgrading Vidispine

  1. Install the lastest server and transcoder packages.

  2. Use the check command to verify that the configuration file is still valid.

    $ vidispine check
    $ vidispine db check
  3. Make sure that the server is stopped. On CentOS 6 or Ubuntu:

    $ /etc/init.d/vidispine stop

    On systems using systemd:

    $ systemctl stop vidispine
  4. Migrate the database:

    $ vidispine db migrate

    Before migrating you can verify the pending migrations using the --dry-run flag.

    $ vidispine db migrate --dry-run


    The dry-run output is for informational use only. Do not execute any SQL statements in the output directly.

  5. Start all Vidispine services.

Upgrading from GlassFish

To move from GlassFish to the standalone server application:

  1. Make sure that GlassFish is stopped.
  2. Install the server and transcoder packages as described in the installation guide.
  3. Modify the server configuration to match the GlassFish configuration.
  4. Migrate the database.
  5. Start the vidispine, solr and transcoder services.

Once all steps have been performed and Vidispine is up and running:

  1. Re-index items, collections and files to populate Solr.
  2. Remove GlassFish.

Upgrading without re-indexing

It is also possible to avoid the re-index step by moving the existing Solr index to the new location used by the solr service.

  1. Make sure that no application is using Vidispine.

  2. Disable all services except the indexing service to make sure that all pending index updates are sent to Solr and removed from the JMS queue.

    $ http put "localhost:8080/API/vidispine-service/disable"
    $ http put "localhost:8080/API/vidispine-service/service/IndexCruncher/enable"

    Then wait until all messages on the JMS queue “IndexQueue” have been processed by watching:

    $ /opt/glassfish3/mq/bin/imqcmd list dst
  3. Stop GlassFish.

  4. Make sure that the vidispine-solr package is installed and that the solr service is not running.

    $ /etc/init.d/solr/stop
    $ systemctl stop solr
  5. Move the Solr index to the new location.

    $ mv /opt/glassfish3/glassfish/solrhome/solr/collection1/data/ /var/lib/vidispine/solr/collection1/data
  6. Start Solr and verify that the new index is in used by checking the document count from the Solr admin page at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1.