Shape tags and presets

Shapes can be tagged in order to retrieve their file contents easily using Retrieving item information. The system adds certain tags to shapes automatically during certain operations, such as an import job. Predefined tags can be seen in the table below.

Tag Description
original The first shape that was created for the item.

While shape tags serve as a “name tag” for shapes, they also contain the recipe for how new shape instances with the shape tag should be constructed, or transcoded, from other shapes. This is defined using a transcode preset that defines the format, codec, bitrate etc of the shapes.

Transcode presets

The transcode preset specifies the output format, codec and encoding settings that should be used when transcoding. You can either

Preset templates

New in version 4.0.3.

Vidispine comes with some preset templates built in. These can be added to the system by making a PUT request to APIinit/preset-templates. These template tags have names that begin with double underscore and cannot be overwritten (Also, shape tags with names starting with double underscore cannot be added to the system).

Scripting transcode presets

Transcode presets can be made dynamic by assigning a JavaScript to them. Made available to the script will be the shape that is going to be transcoded as well as the unmodified preset. The shape can be used as input to determine for example the original resolution of the media. For output the preset can be modified before it is sent to the transcoder. An overview is given in the table below.

Mode Identifier XML Type Java Type
input jobMetadata - java.util.Map<String, String>
input metadata MetadataType com.vidispine.generated.MetadataType
input shape ShapeType com.vidispine.generated.ShapeType
output preset TranscodePresetType com.vidispine.generated.TranscodePresetType

The given data types are generated from the XML schema and belong to the package com.vidispine.generated. They follow JavaBean standard, i.e. getters and setters for their attributes.


Lists of integer

When adding integers of a list, simply using integer literals will not work. Instead java.lang.Integer must be used, for example: list.add(new java.lang.Integer(5));


A preset that only produces two audio channels in the output

First we create a preset with only the formats and codecs set.

PUT /shape-tag/h264
Content-Type: application/xml

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">
200 OK

Then we add the script

PUT /shape-tag/h264/script
Content-Type: application/javascript

// Retrieve the channel count: <ShapeDocument><audioComponent><channelCount>
var channelCount = shape.getAudioComponent().get(0).getChannelCount();

// If we have more than two channels, limit it to the first two:
if (channelCount > 2) {
    // Adding elements to <TranscodePresetDocument><audio><channel>
    preset.getAudio().getChannel().add(new java.lang.Integer(0));
    preset.getAudio().getChannel().add(new java.lang.Integer(1));
200 OK

The result preset will then look like this if the input shape has more than two audio channels:

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">

Scaling the output depending on the input

Using the same shape-tag as in the example above we can use the following script.

// Retrieve the width and height of the input
var width = shape.getVideoComponent().get(0).getResolution().getWidth();
var height = shape.getVideoComponent().get(0).getResolution().getHeight();

if (width == 720 && height == 608) {
    // Create the scaling element
    var scaling = new com.vidispine.generated.ScalingType();

    // Crop 32 pixels from the top

    // Set the desired display aspect ratio
    var targetDar = new com.vidispine.generated.AspectRatioType();

    // Set the desired resolution
} else if (height > 700) {
    // Create the scaling element
    var scaling = new com.vidispine.generated.ScalingType();

    // Set the desired display aspect ratio
    var targetDar = new com.vidispine.generated.AspectRatioType();

    // Set the desired resolution
} else {
    // Create the scaling element
    var scaling = new com.vidispine.generated.ScalingType();

    // Set the desired display aspect ratio
    var targetDar = new com.vidispine.generated.AspectRatioType();

    // Set the desired resolution

Transcode preset elements

This section highlights some of the settings and possibilities that are often useful when authoring a transcode preset.

Setting a preferred source tag

New in version 4.0.

It is possible to specify that another file than the original should be used as the source file when transcoding. This is done using the preferredSourceTag element.

Burning in the timecode in the video

New in version 4.0.

Vidispine can burn the timecode into the output video. To enable this, set the burnTimecode element to true within the video element.

Customizing the timecode

New in version 4.5.

The following settings can be added as key-value pairs in the transcode preset:

  • bitc_font. Font to use.


    fixed-width font (default)


    sans-serif font


    font with serifs

  • bitc_size. Height of font in pixels. Defaults to 15th of the video height.

  • bitc_sizeRel. Height of font relative to full video frame.

  • bitc_xRel. Position relative to width of video. Defaults to 0.5 (middle).

  • bitc_yRel. Position relative to height of video. Defaults to 0.9 (bottom).

  • bitc_horizontalbase. Horizontal position of base point relative to text bounding box.

    0.0 (or left)

    base point is left border of bounding box.

    0.5 (or center)

    base point is center of bounding box.

    1.0 (or right)

    base point is right border of of bounding box.

  • bitc_verticalbase. Vertical position of base point relative to text bounding box.

    0.0 (or top)

    base point is top border of of bounding box.

    0.5 (or middle)

    base point is middle of bounding box.

    1.0 (or bottom)

    base point is bottom border of bounding box.

  • bitc_r, bitc_g, bitc_b, bitc_a. RGB+alpha of text. Defaults to opaque white.

  • bitc_outlineR, bitc_outlineG, bitc_outlineB, bitc_outlineR. RGB+alpha of surrounding block. Defaults to opaque black.

  • bitc_outline. Type of outline. Defaults to bar.

  • bitc_outlinesize. Size (margin) of outline.

Setting a maximum duration of a chunk in QuickTime files

New in version 4.1.

It is possible to specify a maximum duration for chunks in QuickTime files (MOV/MP4/3GPP). To set the duration add the maxChunkDuration element to the TranscodePresetType.

Example: setting the maximum chunk duration to 2 seconds

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">

Mixing audio channels

New in version 4.0.

It is possible to define advanced mappings between input and output audio channels. This is done using the mix element.

Example: mixing 5.1 audio into stereo

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">
      <input channel="0" stream="1" gain="0.5"/>
      <input channel="1" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>
      <input channel="3" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>
      <input channel="5" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>
      <input channel="1" stream="1" gain="1.5"/>
      <input channel="2" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>
      <input channel="4" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>
      <input channel="5" stream="1" gain="1.0"/>

The value of the stream attribute can be deduced from the input shape. The gain attribute is expressed linearly, i.e. a value of 1.0 means a gain of 0 dB. Also, since the number of input channels will probably vary with different inputs, this functionality is best utilized in conjunction with the JavaScript functionality described below.

The mix element can also be used to insert silent audio channels in the output.

Example: adding two silent audio channels in output

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">
    <mix silence="true"/>
    <mix silence="true"/>

Splitting audio channels to mono files

New in version 4.1.

It is possible to split audio channels into separate mono audio files. And they can be renamed according to their channel ids .

Example: split specific channels

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">

Example: split all channels

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">

Splitting audio channels to different output files

New in version 4.1.1.

It is possible to split audio channels into files that contain more than one channels. And they can be renamed according to their channel ids.


This preset below will produce three files:

  1. A WAV file containing 1 audio stream with 2 channels.
  2. A MOV file containing 2 audio streams, each stream has one channel.
  3. A MP4 file containing only the video.
<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">

Image overlays

One can overlay images on the output at specific positions and intervals by using the overlay element. Note that the image is overlaid as is and will not be scaled in any way, meaning that you may want to overlay different images depending on the output resolution. Specifying an overlay interval in an image preset is not supported. Only PNG overlays are supported.

Multiple overlays are supported. (New in 4.4.)

Text overlays

New in version 4.7.

In addition to image overlays, test overlays can also be added. The XML syntax is somewhat different from the image overlay syntax, see TextOverlayType in XML Schema for details.

Example: overlaying text

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">
    <text xRel="0.1" yRel="0.9" horizontalBase="left" align="left" verticalBase="bottom" sizeRel="0.05">
     <text xRel="0.9" yRel="0.9" horizontalBase="right" align="right"
           verticalBase="bottom" sizeRel="0.02" r="0" g="0" b="0" language="ar">
        <line>&#1571;&#1580;&#1605;&#1604; &#1575;&#1604;&#1571;&#1605;&#1606;&#1610;&#1575;&#1578;&#1616; &#1576;&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1586;&#1610;&#1583; &#1605;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1575;&#1583;&#1577; &#1608;&#1575;&#1604;&#1607;&#1606;&#1575;&#1569;!</line>

Custom settings

Some codecs support fine-grained custom settings. These settings are specified by adding setting element inside the video or audio element.

Common settings for video and image


By default, video thumbnails are JPEG and image thumbnails and PNG.

New in version 4.2.12.

This can be changed with thumbnailformat. Valid values are jpeg and png.

Video-only settings


Can be used to control GOP structure based on scene changes for mpeg2video. By default, GOPs are adjusted according to detected scene changes. Set to a very high number (1000000000) to disable scene change detection in order to get equal-sized GOPs.


If true, do not write time code track. Primarily used for MP4 and MOV containers.

Image-only settings


Sets the color space to specified value. Valid values are CIELab, CMY, CMYK, Gray, HCL, HCLp, HSB, HSI, HSL, HSV, HWB, Lab, LCH, LCHab, LCHuv, LMS, Log, Luv, OHTA, Rec601Luma, Rec601YCbCr, Rec709Luma, Rec709YCbCr, RGB, scRGB, sRGB, Transparent, XYZ, YCbCr, YDbDr, YCC, YIQ, YPbPr, YUV.

New in version 4.5.

In addition, colorspace can be set as demuxerSetting as well. This works for PDF and PS files, and will cause PDF/PS parsing to generate result in the correct color space already when reading the file.


Sets a profile. Profiles must be installed on transcoder node ( /usr/share/color/icc).

New in version 4.5.

The transcoder now comes preinstalled with the most common profiles.

New in version 4.5.

A special profile is added, detect-xmp. The profile will read the profile from XMP metadata and use that profile. An example, that will read the XMP profile and then set sRGB:

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">


If true, strip profile info. If false, do not strip profile.


Set the density (resolution) of the image. The format is xRes[ "x" yRes] WHITESPACE ( "dpi" | "dpcm" ). If only one value is set, the same resolution is used for x and y. By specifying dpi or dpcm, resolution can explicitly be set to mean pixels per inch or pixels per centimeter, respectively.


New in version 4.4.3.

If true, sharpens the image. May produce better results after scaling.